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Osteo-B Plus - 90 tbs

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Product Details

D: Enthält alle Mikronährstoffe, die nötig sind zum Aufbau, zur Erhaltung und Reparatur von gesundem Knochengewebe.

E: Osteo-B Plus® offers comprehensive nutritional support for bone health. While the importance of calcium is well known, evidence clearly supports the view that multiple nutrients are essential to nurture the skeletal system. Osteo-B Plus supplies these essential nutrients along with important synergists. Bone is a dynamic tissue that requires adequate nutrition for maintenance and growth. Because of the balance between bone building, performed by the osteoblasts, and bone dissolution, performed by the osteoclasts, bone growth and maintenance possess distinct nutritional needs. Key nutritional deficiencies are well documented to be associated with the risk of osteoporosis.
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