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Optimal EFAs BC - 120 cps

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Product Details

D: Die optimale Omega 3-6-9 Formel. Ist eine Kombination von Leinsamen- , Fisch- und Borageöl. Es enthält somit essentielle Omega 3, 6 und 9 Fettsäuren. Bei mehrheitlich gesunder Ernährung ergänzt dieses Produkt die Differenz zu einer mediterranen Esskultur. Das Produkt gilt als Basisergänzung für essentielle Fettsäuren.

E: Optimal EFAs Caps® supplies a unique blend of the highest quality fish, flaxseed and borage oils, providing a balanced blend, in optimal ratios of omega-3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids. Fatty acid imbalances are common in societies that consume an abundance of processed foods with artificial ingredients and hydrogenated fats, and have an over-reliance on grains. Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) deficits generally occur in combination; therefore, supplementation with a balanced combination makes clinical sense. Optimal EFAs™ provides a healthy balance of all the health-promoting fatty acids, tested for purity, as an easy to take capsule. Dosing can be easily tailored to patient’s size, weight or health status.

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Optimal EFAs BC - 120 cps
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