Biotics Produkte sind ausschliesslich für den therapeutischen Bedarf und nicht im freien Handel erhältlich.
Bei Bestellungen bitten wir Sie folgendes zu beachten:
Wiederherstellung der Integrität der Darmschleimhaut, unterstützt die Entgiftung des Darmes.
for healthy gut function, specifically as it relates to permeability and intestinal mucosa integrity. It includes L-Glutamine, which is the preferred fuel for intestinal tissues, promoting repair and intestinal healing. L-Glutamine has also been demonstrated to be a functional component in the repair of ulcers, as well as a contributor to the healing of leaky gut conditions. When the intestinal epithelium becomes injured or compromised, chronic health disturbances may result. IPS® is a unique formula designed to address the specific issue of altered intestinal permeability. It supplies a comprehensive array of nutritional factors to support healthy intestinal function.