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GSH-Plus - 60 cps

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Product Details

D: Enthält Glutathion und diverse Vorstufen. Es ist ein schwefelhaltiges Tripeptid, das aus 3 verschiedenen Aminosäuren (Cystein, Glutamin und Glycin) aufgebaut ist. In reduzierter Form ist Glutathion einer der wichtigsten, körpereigenen Antioxidanten. Reduziertes Glutathion neutralisiert freie Peroxidradikale und fängt - zusammen mit dem Enzym Glutathionperoxidase - freie Wasserstoffperoxidradikale in fetthaltigen Strukturen (Zellmembranen). Wasserstoffperoxid wird in Wasser und Glutathion in die disulfide Form GSSG (oxidiertes Glutathion) umgewandelt. Das Enzym Glutathionreduktase wandelt GSSG in reduziertes Glutathion um. Glutathion spielt zusätzlich eine Rolle bei der Leberentgiftung. N-Acetyl-L-Cystein ist als Glutathion-Bauer „The master of Antioxidants“.

E: GSH-Plus™ provides L-Glutathione, fortified with N-acetyl-L-cysteine and glycine. It may be considered when supplemental L-Glutathione is indicated. Glutathione (GSH) possesses significant antioxidant activity and plays an essential role in the health of humans. It functions as one of the most powerful intracellular antioxidants, and participates as an important component in detoxification. GSH has been implicated in the regulation of enzyme activities, in DNA synthesis, in maintaining the viability of chloroplasts and mitochondria, in the protection of nitrogenase from inhibition by oxygen, and in the regulation of gene expression. {Mullineaux PM, Creissen GP. Glutathione Reductase: Regulation and Role in Oxidative Stress. Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses. © 1997 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 667-713.} Inadequate amounts of glutathione can also result in tissue oxidative stress. The levels of glutathione decrease naturally with age, as well as with certain stressors, including exercise, smoking, and pollution. Depleted levels of glutathione are recognized to result in susceptibility to cellular deterioration, as a result of multiple circumstances, including oxidative stress, free radical exposure, infections, and toxins.

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GSH-Plus - 60 cps
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