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Chondroitinsulphat - 90 tbs

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Product Details

D: Wird aus der Luftröhre des Rindes gewonnen.

E: Purified Chondroitin Sulfates supplies purified chondroitin sulfate along with SOD and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes. Chondroitin sulfates (CS) function as structural components of vascular intima, giving strength and elasticity to blood vessels. With aging, CS are gradually replaced by other glycoaminoglycans (GAGs), affecting vascular permeability. Deranged turnover and synthesis of CS in vascular intima are some of the earliest changes seen in this process. Another important role for CS is the activation of lipoprotein lipase on capillary endothelial cells, facilitating proper metabolism of blood lipids. During repair of injured connective tissue, CS synthesis precedes collagen synthesis, and CS synthesis is essential for proper healing. Animals and humans treated with corticosteroids show decreased synthesis of CS and delayed healing. Consider as supplemental support for healthy

discs and connective tissue, and as support for vascular integrity.

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Chondroitinsulphat - 90 tbs
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